An oral emergency is a scenario in which you sustain some sort of oral injury, often in a sudden and unexpected manner. This can include tooth loss, gum damage, a broken jaw and teeth, or a dental instrument failure. Listed below are a few normal oral emergencies and tips on what you can do to treat them:
– Bit Lip: Although biting your lip or tongue is a common occurrence, it is nonetheless a potentially momentous occasion that can lead to infections or the need for stitches. If you should happen to bite your lip, rinse and clean the wound, then apply gauze until the bleeding stops.
– Stuck Object: If you get an object stuck in your mouth, never use a sharp object to try to remove it. If it cannot be detached with an interdental tool such as water flosser or with dental floss, seek medical help.
– Cracked Tooth: Cracked teeth will need to be corrected to avoid potential infections. If a tooth gets cracked, wash away any debris near the tooth and apply gauze until the bleeding has commenced.
– Dislodged Tooth: Not all teeth that are dislodged out are gone for good. If the tooth is placed in a liquid material such as milk, your dentist can reset the tooth in your mouth once again.
If you think you have damaged teeth, please call Cenla Dentistry so we can get you in to see Dr. Honey Fiasconaro and our team as soon as possible. Our office is located in Pineville, Louisiana, and we can be reached at 318-640-3200. It’s never too late to start taking steps to a healthier you.